Al-Ikhlaas educates pupils of all abilities. Some pupils’ needs differ from the needs of others by virtue of their talent or ability. Individual teachers have always tried to identify, address and accommodate the needs of able pupils, and to this end the school operates a ‘Gifted and Talented’ programme.

This programme enables the school to:

  • establish arrangements for meeting the needs of able and talented pupils
  • clarify roles and responsibilities to support those arrangements
  • inform staff, pupils, parents and governors about the arrangements
  • ensure equal access to the curriculum

Classroom differentiation is key to ensuring the progress of learners at all levels. 

The assessment of prior learning is essential in ascertaining pupil targets, differentiated learning objectives and outcomes.  Learning activities planned combine acceleration, enrichment and extension and these are identified on the medium term planning documentation.  Staff may identify pupils for whom specific activities are planned on the planning document.

In most cases, the needs of these pupils will be met within the classroom through differentiation. 

This may include pupils:

  • having work differentiated by task;
  • working at an increased pace and being encouraged to move on;
  • being given more independence, open ended tasks, investigative tasks, Socratic questioning and those with a higher level of challenge;
  • being given individual programmes;
  • working in varied groups/pairings within the classroom.

 As a regular feature of our curriculum we:

  • use special skills of individual members of staff to enrich learning in their specialist fields;
  • invite outside speakers to come into school and talk to the children about their specialist subject/sport/interest;
  • provide pupils with a wealth of opportunity to participate in extra-curricular clubs and activities;
  • encourage children to take part in a wide range of out of school activities/clubs/trips in the community;
  • suggest opportunities for pupils to meet other specialists who can help extend and nurture their talents.

For some pupils in some subjects we offer:

  • withdrawal alongside peers who have been identified as sharing talents in the same area to work together;
  • mentoring, to give support and encouragement to individuals and groups.